Khitomer Peace Award Winner
Recipient: USS Artemis
Award Earned:
Outstanding Game
Link to Sim: Click Here
Award Date: March 1, 2025
Reason for the award
Captain Kidd is an exceptional GM who continually makes strives to ensure that his ship is welcoming and fun to be a part of. Recently he has gone to the lengths of creating spreadsheets meant as RP aides in regards to Crew Shifts and Duty Rosters, which is something that I find exceptionally useful and that I don’t believe I have encountered on any other ship I have had the pleasure of simming on.
Beyond that Captain Kidd makes efforts to keep the community one that fosters an approachable and cooperative attitude both in sim and ooc on our discord. This is perhaps a more important thing because of the dark content that the Artemis confronts as some of the things IRP can be triggering and having the ability to talk to the rest of the crew when it occurs is very much appreciated.
Furthermore, and perhaps my final note is that the Artemis is the undeniably best sim I have ever been a part of for a variety of reasons. First and foremost among those is that it’s design to confront the darker underside of the Federation is my favorite idea I have ever encountered in my simming history, and it is an environment that offers some therapeutic relief as someone who is a victim of some of the very same mature themes. The Artemis is also an extraordinary sim in that it attracts a crew of some of the best writers that I have yet encountered.