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Khitomer Peace Award Winner

Recipient: Starship Graveyard (USS Tokyo)
Award Earned: Outstanding Mission
Link to Sim: Click Here
Award Date: March 1, 2025

Reason for the award

The USS Tokyo is assigned to explore the Karlax Nebula, a strange nebula where several ships have gone missing without a trace. The ships mission is to explore and chart the nebula and to determine why ships seem to go missing. Starfleet hope that with the Tokyo’s advanced technology she will be able to safely navigate the nebula and discover why ships never seem to make their way out. Whilst charting the Nebula, the Tokyo discovers a single star system inside, with only one planet which is Class H with less than 20% of its surface being water. On closer inspection the Tokyo picks up several distress calls from various different spacefaring civilizations, including Federation, Klingon and Romulan. However once the Tokyo Gets closer the planets intense gravity pulls down the ship, trapping them in its strong gravity and pulling the ship down into the ‘Starship Graveyard’ where wrecks of several ships now slowly fade away in the desert. Whilst stranded, the crew of the Tokyo form alliances with other survivors from crashed ships, salvage power nodes from a crashed Borg Cube, and discover that the planet’s existence is somehow related to the Iconians: A species thought to be long extinct.