Khitomer Peace Award Winner
Recipient: Razka Kas
Award Earned:
Outstanding Character
Link to Character Bio or Player's Site: Click Here
Award Date: March 1, 2025
Reason for the award
Razka Kas joined the USS Astrea and is a Bajoran-Klingon hybrid with a rich cultural background that is well developed and shines through true to his character in every post. Kas comes from an original creation clan of nomads called the Quath’Mar. His people have deeply seeded cultural beliefs and are people of convictions. Kas has both the warrior spirit of the Klingons and deep spiritual soul of the Bajorans. Adding to this character’s complexity, is that not long before his arrival to the Astrea he had taken custody of a seven year old daughter that he previously had not known about after her mother’s untimely death. Through Kas we also see the struggles of a single father who loves his strong-willed child deeply and how he handles her independent spirit.
Kas would often handle issues that the Astrea encounters with a stronger hand than Starfleet allows, but he is loyal and obedient to his Captain and crew. The internal struggles that he faces are well-written, and bring in a conflict that a lot of players are timid to write. This character takes our stories on twists and turns and brings humor and life to our stories.